Paul Boutin obviously just wants his blog to stand out more by encouraging me to quit. Wait, Valleywag quit him. I kid, I like his stuff, but c'mon man. Facebook can't replace da blog."Thinking about launching your own blog? Here's some friendly advice: Don't. And if you've already got one, pull the plug.
Writing a weblog today isn't the bright idea it was four years ago. The blogosphere, once a freshwater oasis of folksy self-expression and clever thought, has been flooded by a tsunami of paid bilge. Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths. It's almost impossible to get noticed, except by hecklers. And why bother? The time it takes to craft sharp, witty blog prose is better spent expressing yourself on Flickr, Facebook, or Twitter."
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Paul Boutin Can Suck It
Stop Blogging? AYFKM?