Saturday, January 06, 2007

Check the President

Roscoe C. Born of the Baltimore Sun has a good idea for Congress:

"Whatever motives led the president to ask, and Congress to grant, authority to use the U.S. military to invade Iraq, the justifications stated in whereas after whereas are not true today. Yet they remain on the books, still the official position of Congress. So the vital decision is not President Bush's alone, and Congress should not wait to proceed on its own.
Congress is morally obligated - now - to review its outdated joint resolution authorizing force against Iraq, and to undertake a new joint resolution declaring, in essence, "Whereas the purposes of the original authorization have been served; whereas the stated reasons justifying the authorization no longer exist; whereas the objectionable Iraqi regime has been removed and the new Iraqi regime poses no military threat to its neighbors or the United States; that, therefore, U.S. military forces are no longer authorized to remain in Iraq."
Far-fetched? Not in the least. Congress used this very procedure in 1993 to withdraw U.S. troops from Somalia."

Yes, mission accomplished, let's see Nancy & Co. grow some, er, get some backbone and do the job they were elected to do. Check the President.