Thursday, September 29, 2005

That scraping noise?

"That scraping noise you hear? It's the sound of sheepish voters creeping out to the garage late at night, furtively removing "Bush-Cheney 2004" bumperstickers from the back of their SUVs when no one is looking.

Meanwhile, as the scales fall from the eyes of the hoi polloi, even the one constituency which could plausibly make the claim that Bush has been good for America (read: their wallets), is speaking the unspeakable as well. Robert Novak, of all people, wrote a column last week chronicling his experience watching rich Republicans at an Aspen retreat bash the idiocy of Bush administration policies on Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, stem-cell research and more."

Friedman spoke about this on "Meet the Press" as well. For some reason, I feel like I'm seeing more Kerry/Edwards stickers lately (and a tad fewer "W" ones. I did see and "M" one....beneath it, in small letters, it said "The Moron") I don't hate him like some people do, but you'd be hard pressed to claim he's been good for the country.