Sunday, September 26, 2004

Bono the Great

The Observer | Comment | Pro Bono:

"'You can see the halo over his head,' said Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, a man not given to irony or overstatement."

"'I believe that Bono has used his celebrity status for more good than anyone who has ever used their celebrity for any cause,' says Jim Leach, the moderate Republican congressman for Iowa"

"At a time, then, when we seem mesmerised by the empty lives of the rich and famous, Bono seems single-handedly to have grasped the idea that fame can be a means to a bigger, more morally honourable, end, his undimmed idealism now tempered by a very real and hard-earned understanding of global economics and the politics of aid."

Bono is heaped with praise in this well-informed article.