Sunday, August 29, 2004

Jerry Falwell Responds to watts4u2 blog

WorldNetDaily: The GOP is not a church

The week after I posted this:
"I miss Reagan, and it angers me that some Republicans see W as the "new
Reagan". George W ain't no Ronnie, folks. Sure, he's firm, determined and
won't he back down. It's just that he was wrong to push this war, wrong in
the planning for the aftermath, wrong not to listen to the right advisors,
and wrong if he thinks the $400 Billion spent on this war could not have
done much more for our safety had we used it here in America"

Jerry Falwell writes:
"At this moment in time, I would say that conservative people of faith are as energized behind President Bush as we have been behind any president in history. President Bush – like Ronald Reagan – has won our hearts because of his moral clarity, his unswerving integrity and his desire to intrepidly defend our nation against militant terrorists who seek to destroy us. (Fighting a "sensitive" battle against terrorism just doesn't seem plausible.) "

How can Falwell justify this war when the reasons given for going to war have proven false? And why the backhanded jab about "sensitive"? Certainly Jesus would have prefered we treat prisoners at Abu Grabe with sensitivity, in fact, that was at the core of Jesus' teachings, no? Turn the other cheek? The only way it makes sense for Jerry Falwell to defend this war is blind allegiance to the Republican Party and/or he wishes for the Christians and Muslims to battle it out in a race to armageddon.

Reagan was right. He hastened the end of the Cold War, got the economy moving, and gave us optimism.
W is a failure. Led us into unjust war, gave tax breaks mostly for the wealthiest while running the largest debts ever, and he plays on fear. I think he's a normal, good hearted person doing what he thinks is right. But he's not right. He's wrong.

Reagan came into office with unemployment, interest rates and inflation all over 10%. Just imagine! By the time he left office, all were well under control and communism was all but finished in Europe.

W inherited a budget surplus and with 9/11 was given the opportunity to unite the world in a common goal to stop terrorism. Instead, he launches a vandetta against his Daddy's arch-rival, while his puppeteer and his cronies rake in the profits from running the war. At least when Reagan made a mistake, it was a heartfelt (yet misguided) effort to save hostages, not a Bible-toting crusade against anyone who could be considered a terrorist. Like Ted Kennedy?

Ah, thanks Jerry, it's good to know you still push my buttons.