Friday, March 21, 2008

Were You There?

When Jeremiah Wright was a White House guest? Hillary was. Let's all think back to the wonderful events of the Clinton administration back on September 11, 1998:

"According to an account by James Bennet, former White House correspondent who has since left The Times:

With tears in his eyes, President Clinton told a roomful of clerics this morning that he had sinned, speaking just hours before the world was presented a painstaking account by prosecutors of when, where and how.

Addressing an annual prayer breakfast at the White House, Mr. Clinton drew on the New Testament, the Yom Kippur liturgy and Ernest Hemingway as he made his most abject confession yet of personal failure, while declaring that he would defend and redeem his Presidency.

‘’I don’t think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned,'’ he admitted softly, saying that after resisting expressions of contrition he had reached ‘’the rock-bottom truth of where I am.'’
For the first time, Mr. Clinton also asked for forgiveness from Monica S. Lewinsky, on the day that the details of their intimate relationship — details that he had denied and struggled to suppress — poured out through the Internet, whose wonders as a tool of communication he has so often extolled."

Oddly enough, Hillary's schedule on 9/11/98 shows her going to a "Bombing Victims Memorial" after the prayer breakfast. I think the important thing here is not to smear Hillary with Wright's presence in the White House, but to remind us of what was going on in the Clinton administration at the time.
Whatever good came from the Clintons' time in office, and there were a lot of good things, in the end he/they were not honorable, and even those of us who defended the Clintons against the right wing attack machine, were glad to see them finally leave the White House. After all the money for pardons and money for the library, I figured they were done. We know these people, all too well, we know better.