Had Barry taken my advice, he could now withdraw his VP offer to Hillary. He could say that Hillary has made a good case for being VP, she certainly seems "ready to go". Unfortunately, it seems like Hillary is making the case to be McCain's VP. Frankly, she's off her rocker if you ask me: power hungry at any cost, even if it hurts the Dems and the country.
"Have you noticed the pattern?" Clinton wrote in an e-mail to supporters. "Every time our campaign demonstrates its strength and resilience, people start to suggest we should end our pursuit of the Democratic nomination. Those anxious to force us to the sidelines aren't doing it because they think we're going to lose the upcoming primaries. The fact is, they're reading the same polls we are, and they know we are in a position to win."
This is simply not true. Obama is up 60/40 in the polls here in North Carolina. Even if she did win 'em all....it's too late. Too late for a graceful exit, and too late to get the VP nod, unless McCain picks you.