President Bill has opened the door for you, Barry:
"she believes that if you can unite the energy and the new people that he's brought in and the people in these vast swaths of small town and rural America that she's carried overwhelmingly, if you had those two things together she thinks it'd be hard to beat."I submit that Obama should now publicly offer the Vice President spot to Hillary. He should say that in order to unite the party and avoid a prolonged battle, we should do as your husband President Bill suggested, and unite to make the 'unstoppable force'.He added that, in his view, Obama would win the "urban areas and the upscale voters" while Clinton claims "the traditional rural areas that we lost when President Reagan was president. If you put those two things together, you'd have an almost unstoppable force."

After she refuses, she will appear to be (and well, actually be) the one tearing apart the party.
Thanks, President Bill!