Rory O'Connor at Alternet explains her Ohio and Texas performances like this:
Hillary won this week by working the refs.
By constantly complaining about coverage, and relentlessly focusing on charges that the news media has favored Barack Obama and treated him far more gently than herself, Hillary was finally able to staunch the bleeding and stage a desperately needed, last minute comeback that will keep her in the game. By mocking the media, quoting Saturday Night Live, and "practically browbeating reporters," her campaign lived to fight another day.
And fight is the operative word. Going negative against the media, as well as her opponent, saved the day for the Clintons.
I've noticed this effect as well. Dan Abrams springs to mind, doing his best to 'even out' MSNBC coverage from supposed Obama cheerleaders like Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann. But the plain truth is, Chris Matthews was right when he suggested that we would not be voting for Hillary Clinton if her husband had not been president. Just sayin'...it's true.
She's also getting help from Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, so there you go...
Funniest line last night was about Obama's phone call to congratulate Hillary on Texas. Rachel Maddow proclaimed:
"I'm surprised he didn't wait until 3:oo in the morning to call her".
You know who wins my vote with that 3:00 AM ad, Hillary? John McCain. Dude....
I thought we had avoided it, but it really looks like those Florida and Michigan delegates are going to be pivotal for the convention. The North Carolina primary might even mean something this time around. With the Clintons involved, I expect this could get ugly.
To the voters of Texas and Ohio: Thanks for bringing me back to my senses. The Democratic party is as dumb as I feared.