A letter to the editor in the Star-News caught my eye, and in my battle to save the country by stopping Hillary Clinton, I thought I'd share some of it with y'all:
"Many syndicated pundits frequenting the Star-News pages are wriggling on their bellies to kiss Hillary Clinton's feet and crown her even before the election.
They've conveniently buried the commodity market and land development (deals) the Clintons were involved in, the political favors … and Bill's 140 pardons and 36 sentence commutations in the last hours of his presidency …
Marc Rich, who fled to Switzerland to avoid prosecution on tax evasion, was pardoned after his wife contributed $70,000 to Hillary's Senate campaign and even more to Clinton's presidential library.
The powerful Clintons escaped, though several of their partners went to prison. The Bush administration has cooperated with the Clintons by refusing to release unredacted Justice Department records regarding these matters.
Lastly, Clinton's advocacy and passage of NAFTA was the beginning of outsourcing and the end for America's manufacturing industry and good paying jobs.
Who wants the Clintons in the White House again - and why?
Stan Bozarth
Now I'm no Clinton-hater, but my man Stan has some good points I'd like to elaborate on myself. Many of Bill Clinton's pardons at the end of his second term were a slap in the face to justice. I had hoped this meant that Hillary would never run for president, because they really let loose some evil folks who did bad things for the country while lining their own pockets, and the Clintons' campaign coffers. Money for pardons, basically.
NAFTA could have been worked to be favorable for our interests and Mexico's and Canada's too, but instead, it became a gift to big corporations who took advantage. Reagan's immigrant amnesty was tied to making NAFTA work, providing good paying jobs to Mexicans in Mexico, so they would not have to come here to make a decent wage, so they could build a strong economy and become a better neighbor. Instead, the NAFTA we got allowed companies to move down there, ignore environmental laws and pay lowly wages that only encouraged more of them to immigrate here. The Clintons bow down to big money just as much as the Bushies do.
Lastly, a point I have not seen elsewhere... I believe Hillary's run is against the spirit of the 22nd Amendment. That's the one about a two term limit. Sure, Hillary was not president, but she was part of the team. When they ran, Bill claimed that we'd be getting "two for the price of one". I suggest that Hillary has already served two term in the White House, and her attempt to regain control runs counter to the spirit of the 22nd Amendment. She's flaunting our Constitution, folks!
Do we really want Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton? 20+ years of the same bought and paid for leadership? Have they really been that good for the US? I submit that Clinton/Bush are two sides of an expensive coin, and we'd do better to toss that coin into a wishing well and elect a leader who will take us in a new, more moral and upright direction.