Sunday, August 19, 2007

Citizen Watts, Global Warming Troublemaker

Anthony Watts decided somebody needed to check on the US's 1,221 ground weatherstations to see if they're measuring temperatures accurately. So far he's checked 227, and many of them do not meet NOAA specs, giving misleading warming information.

From Bill Steigerwald at Human Events:

"Citizen Watts may look like a troublemaker to NASA's experts but he's convinced he's on to something important. He's found no evidence that anyone except him has ever made an effort to verify the quality-control standards at every weather station site.

Until he finishes his project, Watts says, not even Jim Hansen will ever know for sure if -- as a recent scientific paper at the University of Colorado puts it -- "the use of the data from poorly sited stations provides a false sense of confidence in the robustness of the surface temperature trend assessments."

In English, that means Watts may be on the way to proving that the country is not as dangerously hot as we've been led to believe."

Interesting article, I'm sure this Watts guy is on the ball! Here's an interview with Watts from