Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lottery Plan

From WECT:
"Gov. Mike Easley has proposed a shift in lottery revenue he says will boost ticket sales and send more money to the state's public schools.
The plan: drop the percentage of proceeds that goes to schools and put more money into prizes.
He says the move will entice more people to play, and pay. The move comes as schools across the state are expected to receive $200 million less than what was promised in the first year.
Easley believes his new plan would generate $500 million more than was made in the lottery's first year."

Hey, there's a plan! Our schools are swindled by the failing lottery, and now Easley wants to lower the percentage of proceeds that go to schools, so schools will somehow make more money in the long run, you know, when "thinking people" see how much the lottery odds have improved, we'll easily have 3 times as much revenue. Lottery players are just that smart, and so is the Gov. I can't wait to see how this plays out, the anticipation rivals a scratch-off card from the Citgo.