Friday, February 02, 2007

Congress, Stand Up!

Eric Margolis has an interesting article in the Toronto Sun about the Congress and the powers they are a supposedly endowed with. Needless to say, Cheney and Bush don't see it this way.

"White House defenders claim Congress had no constitutional right to interfere in the detailed conduct of war. Not so. The essence of America's political system that has been a beacon to the world for two centuries is the remarkable system of checks and balances conceived by its founding fathers to prevent the emergence of an autocrat, despot, or monarch. It is precisely Congress's duty to stop a president and vice-president who have lost touch with reality, violated the constitution, and are taking America over a cliff. Congress must cease its timidity and stop entreating the president as if he were king. He is only chief executive of the republic, one man among many. Congress is the board of directors. The president, in spite of his supporter's efforts, is not the sacrosanct embodiment of America; that role belongs to Congress.

At a time when America is reeling in defeat, and plunged in deepening confusion, Congress must roar, not whimper."

Agreed. Congress, let's hear your's time to stand up for your branch and the American people. The White House thinks they can ignore Congress and the will of the American people, and for that, they must pay the price.