Monday, June 23, 2008

5 Planes Down

Did you know, John McCain lost 5 planes for the Navy?

"McCain may be attempting to hide why the Navy was in fact slow to promote him upwards despite his suffering as a POW and his distinguished naval heritage.

One possible reason: After McCain had returned from Vietnam as a war hero and was physically rehabilitated, he was urged by his medical caretakers and military colleagues never to fly again. But McCain insisted on going up. As Carl Bernstein reported in Vanity Fair, he piloted an ultralight single-propeller plane -- and crashed another time. His fifth loss of a plane has vanished from public records, but should be a subject of discussion in his Navy file. It wouldn't be surprising if his naval superiors worried that McCain was just too defiant, too reckless and too crash prone.

Regardless, McCain owes it to the country to release his complete naval records so that American voters can see his documented history and make an informed decision."

Wow, five planes! What a hero... or what a crappy pilot? Hard to say. And it was his plane that started the Forrestal tragedy. Surely these weren't all his fault, but hey, that's some bad luck.