commenter: Agreed. Muslims are a cancer to the planet. We should not tolerate a religion that rewards INSANE behivor anymore than we tolerate satanic cults sacrificing 13 y/old virgin women in america. Both "Religious beliefs" of radical muslims and satan worshipers must dealt with an iron fist.
Yesterday at 12:52pm · Like
poster: They are one in the same!!!
Yesterday at 12:54pm · Like
commenter: Two Words "Carpet Bomb"
Yesterday at 1:01pm · Like
Now let me be sure to clarify that I don't agree with this graphic or those sentiments. In any way.
Please check out the rest of my blog if you doubt me. I am pointing out "what is out there", and if this is what you want, well, then I guess you should vote for the candidate they support?That's Mitt Romney. These guys love Mitt Romney.