That money could have paid for a lot of things we could have used here at home. As Rep. Paul points out, for what the Iraq war costs, we could present each family of four a check for $46,000 -- which exceeds the $43,000 median household income in his Texas district. He asks: "What about the impact of those costs on education, the very thing that so often helps to increase earnings? Forty-six thousand dollars would cover 90 percent of the tuition costs to attend a four-year public university in Texas for both children in that family of four. But, instead of sending kids to college, too often we're sending them to Iraq, where the best news in a long time is they [the insurgents] aren't killing our men and women as fast as they were last month."
How damning that it takes a libertarian Republican to remind the leading Democratic candidates of the opportunity costs of a war that most Democrats in Congress voted for. "Damning indeed. Shame on the Democrats for allowing this to continue, and particularly shame on Hillary Clinton voting with Bush's team to make the Iranian Guard a terrorist organization. She's falling for it all over again, and Democrats seem to be OK with that.
We need a leader who will change the system, we need Ron Paul (or at least somebody other than Hillary Clinton).