Thursday, July 26, 2007

George W. Ain't No Ronnie

Steve Chapman , of the Chicago Tribune has an interesting take on George W., from Human Events, the mostly conservative site that features Pat Buchanan (yay!) and Ann Coulter (boo.....nah, hisssss):

"Ronald Reagan used to tell the story of a boy so optimistic that when he woke up on Christmas morning and was confronted with a huge mound of manure, he gleefully began shoveling. "There's a pony in here someplace!" he exclaimed.

For President Bush, when it comes to Iraq, every day is Christmas day. He's been shoveling for more than four years but still fully expects that pony to pop out at any moment. On Capitol Hill, though, even Republicans are starting to suspect that the malodorous pile is that and nothing more."

Even some (real) conservatives are starting to see that George W. ain't no Ronnie.