Sounds like Bono
"I never thought I'd see this many kids coming to listen to a speech about poverty,"
Sounds like someone talking about Bono
"He's raised poverty to a presidential-level conversation for the first time in forty years,...You've got to give him credit for that. And given the shallowness of his experience... the way he vaulted right over the lower rungs of the ladder--it's an amazing story."
Sounds like Bono again, right? Not this time. This time we're talking about an American: John Edwards. And I like what Edwards has to say here:
Lesson One: Stop thinking small. "I think in our effort to be elected, we've become minimalists, tinkering around the edges--Our tax cut is better than yours, or, We'll give you smaller class sizes," he says. "That's not what the country wants. We've got to give the American people something big and important to be unified by. Republicans use big things to divide America. I think we can use big things to unite America."
Sound familiar?